
TeslaMax Therapy

The TeslaMax is one of the most innovative and unique neuromuscular electric stimulators on the market to date. It utilizes AC current versus standard DC current in most other stim units, which allows for higher voltages at much lower amperages. This results in deeper, more powerful muscle contractions to be tolerated by the patient, which also leads to increased perfusion, oxygenation and circulation to treatment areas. This has shown vastly improved patient outcomes.

Chronic Pain

Peripheral Neuropathy


Lyme Disease

Erectile Dysfunction

Urinary Incontinence


Muscle Re-education & Relaxation of Muscle Spams

Maintaining or Increasing Range of Motion

Increase in Local Circulation

  • Chronic Pain: Neuromuscular electrical stimulation has shown promise in aiding nerve repair after nerve injury. Helps by blocking pain signals to the brain, triggering the release of pain-inhibiting neurotransmitters.

  • Neuropathy: TeslaMax Peripheral Neuropathy treatment is the new breakthrough technology needed to relieve and reverse many types of Neuropathy. The TeslaMax uses Tesla–Based Technology™ to restore blood flow and decrease fluid build–up (edema) in Neuropathy–affected areas. Improving circulation and reducing edema greatly accelerate the body’s ability to heal nerve damage. This type of treatment locally targets the specific areas experiencing the nerve trauma, and removes blockages to allow the body to restore veins and nerves back to working condition. Patients often report feeling immediate relief during their first treatment.

Do not live another day in pain –come in and see the results for yourself. The consultation and treatment program are available at our clinic in Bismarck, North Dakota. Call today to schedule your consultation and learn more about the comprehensive treatment plan that has changed the lives of people suffering from Neuropathy.

  • Incontinence: Urinary Incontinence is caused when the pelvic floor muscles that aid in bladder control become weak and atrophied. TeslaMax® directly addresses this problem by using electrical stimulation to produce powerful muscle contractions.

Aging plays a major role in the loss of lean muscle mass, which is a major contributor to urinary incontinence. The TeslaMax Muscle Stimulator has been shown to not only help prevent and slow disuse of atrophy, but also increase local circulation needed to restore proper muscle function. It is a problem nobody wants to talk about. It is estimated that close to 25 million Americans suffer from urinary incontinence (UI), but because many cases go unreported the numbers could be well over that estimation. The US government estimates that 55% of women over the age of 65 and 33% of all women have issues with incontinence. For men, the numbers are around half.

UI is the unintentional leaking of urine and while it sounds harmless, it can cause stress, anxiety, and have a devastating effect on quality of life. Many who suffer from UI are afraid to leave their home for fear of an accident. Weak or damaged muscles in the pelvic area are common cause of UI. A simple sneeze or laugh might cause an embarrassing leak.

Good News! UI can be difficult to live with, but there is hope for sufferers. According to the National Association for Continence, 80% of those with urinary incontinence can be cured or improved with the right treatment. For millions of individuals living with UI, the Tesla Max program offers a real chance at recovery.

  • Erectile Dysfunction: One of these newer methodologies has already begun to take its course, The proprietary alternating current technology of the TeslaMax has already made an impact in hundreds of patients willing to try this groundbreaking new procedure that involves deeper muscle contractions around the pelvic and hip areas, create added perfusion, oxygenation, and blood flow to nearby extremities. Such treatments can drastically improve sexual function in the case of ED.
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