
Neuropathy Treatments

Stop Living with Pain from Neuropathy

At ND Life Spa we can help you to stop treating the symptoms of neuropathy, and finally do something to get to the root cause of why your body is breaking down and in a state of disease. At ND Life Spa, we couple holistic healing with state-of-the-art technology to promote healing and support relieving the chronic pain of neuropathy. We work towards a body of wellness which in turn may also play a role in reducing the symptoms of neuropathy. We will support you in finding the reasons the neuropathy began in the first place. Call ND Life Spa today to set up a meeting with our staff for an assessment. Our Freedom from Neuropathy Program may be what you are looking for.

Symptoms of Neuropathy:

  • Numbness and Tingling: Often in the hands or feet.
  • Pain: Sharp, stabbing, or burning sensations.
  • Muscle Weakness: Difficulty in moving or controlling muscles.
  • Sensitivity to Touch: Hypersensitivity or reduced sensitivity to temperature and pressure.
  • Loss of Coordination: Difficulty with balance and fine motor skills.
  • Burning Feet: A common sensation, particularly in diabetic neuropathy.
  • Muscle Cramps and Spasms: Involuntary muscle contractions.
  • Difficulty with Speech: May affect articulation and clarity of speech.
  • Digestive Issues: Problems with digestion and bowel or bladder function.
  • Changes in Blood Pressure: May lead to dizziness or fainting.
  • Autonomic Symptoms: Sweating abnormalities, changes in heart rate.
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