
Hypothyroidism & Hyperthyroidism

Hypothyroidism is a medical condition in which the thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroid hormones to meet the body's needs, leading to an under-active thyroid. Hyperthyroidism is the opposite circumstance, in which, the thyroid gland produces an excessive amount of thyroid hormones, leading to an overactive thyroid.

Nearly 60% of thyroid sufferers are unaware that they have a problem. To account for this, ND Life Spa utilizes state-of-the-art technology (including computerized testing and infrared thermography) which detects even subtle thyroid imbalance. Thanks to functional testing we’ve helped many patients with a thyroid disorder. If you struggle with thyroid symptoms and want to promote healthy solutions, come see us at ND Life Spa and we will help support you in your wellness journey.

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Symptoms of Hypothyroidism:

  • Fatigue: Feeling tired, sluggish, and lacking energy, even after a full night's sleep.
  • Weight gain: Unexplained weight gain or difficulty losing weight, despite maintaining a healthy diet and exercise routine.
  • Cold intolerance: Feeling excessively cold, even in warm environments.
  • Constipation: Infrequent bowel movements and difficulty passing stools.
  • Dry skin and hair: Dry, pale, and flaky skin, as well as brittle, dry hair.
  • Hair loss: Thinning hair or hair loss, including eyebrows.
  • Muscle aches and weakness: Generalized muscle pain and weakness.
  • Joint pain and stiffness: Pain and stiffness in the joints, often accompanied by swelling.
  • Swelling: Puffiness, especially in the face and hands, may occur.
  • Depression: Feelings of sadness, depression, or mood swings.
  • Cognitive issues: Difficulty concentrating, memory problems, and mental fog.
  • Menstrual changes: Irregular or heavier menstrual periods in women.
  • Hoarseness: Changes in the voice and a hoarse or raspy voice.
  • Bradycardia: A slow heart rate, which can lead to a feeling of reduced heart function.
  • Elevated cholesterol levels: Hypothyroidism can lead to increased cholesterol levels in the blood.
  • Goiter: In some cases, the thyroid gland may enlarge, causing a visible swelling in the neck.

Symptoms of Hyperthyroidism:

  • Weight loss: Unexplained weight loss, despite increased appetite.
  • Rapid heartbeat (tachycardia): An elevated heart rate, palpitations, or irregular heartbeat.
  • Nervousness and anxiety: Feeling overly anxious, nervous, or irritable.
  • Tremors: Fine tremors in the hands or fingers.
  • Sweating: Increased perspiration, even in cooler environments.
  • Heat intolerance: Feeling overly warm or uncomfortable in hot weather.
  • Fatigue: Paradoxically, some individuals with hyperthyroidism may also experience fatigue.
  • Muscle weakness: Muscle weakness, especially in the thighs and upper arms.
  • Diarrhea: Frequent bowel movements or diarrhea.
  • Changes in menstrual patterns: In women, menstrual irregularities, including lighter periods or amenorrhea (absence of periods).
  • Eye problems: In Graves' disease, a common cause of hyperthyroidism, eye-related symptoms can occur, including bulging eyes (exophthalmos), eye pain, double vision, and sensitivity to light.
  • Thyroid enlargement: The thyroid gland may become enlarged, leading to a noticeable swelling in the neck (goiter).
  • Nausea and vomiting: Some individuals may experience gastrointestinal symptoms.
  • Insomnia: Difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep.
  • Thinning hair: Hair may become fine and brittle.
  • Changes in skin: Skin may become thin and delicate, and in some cases, there may be skin conditions like pretibial myxedema or hives.
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